Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Isotopes researcher asignment

                    Yoice marie Davila                            h-23                                      12/11/13


periodic table symbol= I
#p= 53
#e= 53
#n= 74
mass= 127
group= Halogens
type= nonmetal

Iodine -123 is a radio active isotope of iodine used in nuclear medicine imaging including computed tomography.It is  the most suitable isotope of iodine for the diagnostic study of thyroid diseases .this isotope is ideal for diagnostic imaging thyroid tissue and thyroid cancer metastasis. Scanning a thyroid remnant or metastasis with this isotope does not cause "stunning"of the tissue because of the low radiation burden of this isotope.iodine-123 is never used for treatment .This is administered to a patient in a capsule/pill  form,by intravenous injection or less commonly used in a drink.Iodine-123 is an ideal research tool for neutrology ,oncology and cardiology.Researchers prefer using this isotope because of the short -half life,clearSPECT images,and because iodine-123 is easy to handle,shield and dispose of. Doctors have to be careful because this isotope is very dangerous as you could see in the picture below in the paper it has a symbol yellow and purple which means that is dangerous.