Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Isotopes researcher asignment

                    Yoice marie Davila                            h-23                                      12/11/13


periodic table symbol= I
#p= 53
#e= 53
#n= 74
mass= 127
group= Halogens
type= nonmetal

Iodine -123 is a radio active isotope of iodine used in nuclear medicine imaging including computed tomography.It is  the most suitable isotope of iodine for the diagnostic study of thyroid diseases .this isotope is ideal for diagnostic imaging thyroid tissue and thyroid cancer metastasis. Scanning a thyroid remnant or metastasis with this isotope does not cause "stunning"of the tissue because of the low radiation burden of this isotope.iodine-123 is never used for treatment .This is administered to a patient in a capsule/pill  form,by intravenous injection or less commonly used in a drink.Iodine-123 is an ideal research tool for neutrology ,oncology and cardiology.Researchers prefer using this isotope because of the short -half life,clearSPECT images,and because iodine-123 is easy to handle,shield and dispose of. Doctors have to be careful because this isotope is very dangerous as you could see in the picture below in the paper it has a symbol yellow and purple which means that is dangerous.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Paper Chromatography Lab

                           PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY LAP                                                            (separating mixtures)

Lab objective:create a process for separating a mixture specifically an ink mixture 
1.what color are mixtures ?
        Purple  (red+ blue)  green (blue + yellow) black(?????????) >in my opinion if you mix all the colors   black will come out.(ROYGBIV).
2.what substances could be used to separate a mixture ?
       Water,alcohol, bleach, acetone,nail polish , vinegar,ammonia ethanol, hydrogen and peroxide.
3.what is the paper chromatography?
        Chromatography is a method for analyzing complex mixtures (such as ink)by separating them             into the chemicals from which they are made .
        *are colors mixed to make other colors?
            Yes because in order to make other colors you have ton mix other colors for example in orderto make purple you have to mix red and white
       *can mixed colors separate into their components colors?
           I think we could use diferrents  chemicals we could do it
       *can black separate separate into is components?
          Yes i think that every color can separate into their                                   components
       *which color will separate out?
          All the colors except for white or light colors
                                                        Materials of the lab
photo.JPG      * ruler
      *coofe filter

                                           Data table:

observations at 3 minutes
observations at 6 minutes
dry test strips
( name)black marker w/ alcohol
nothing happens
the black marker move up to test strips

black marker w/other solution(bleach)
it make the paper whiter
it make the paper whiter
it make the paper whiter
black marker w/H20
nothing happens
nothing happens
nothing happens
test strips after dry

             A picture of my test while it was running
                     Analysis and conclusions
 1)what appeared on the filter paper ? describe all results.
     On the filter paper the ink was running up in all colors
2)what did the results indicate about the black ink?
    That it could brake into his components
3)is chromatography a useful separation method for ink                     mixtures? explain based on your results
  Yes because you could see how the colors are been separate
4)if you could alter the experiment to test another condition or         factor,what would you change?
   Add more bleach or alcohol or water so we could see differents                 results
                                               Post lab
        how does the paper chromatography work?

            a preferential  adsorption of chemical                    compounds (gases  or liquids) in an                     ascending molecular-weight sequence. photo.JPG

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Egg Drop Project

Part A:
Yoice M Davila
3rd Period

Part B:

Initial Design: it is going to be a plastic jar with a lot of cotton balls in it .Then we are going to put                            the egg inside of a sock and put more cotton balls in it and then tape everything and put                          the teddy bear body parts on it so it will  make it look creative.

Materials list:
                         Cotton balls
                         Plastic mayonnaise jar
                         Teddy bear stuffing
                         Body parts of the teddy bear
                         1 CAP approved long sock
                         2 small balloons

Hypothesis: By combining the plastic jar and a lot of cotton balls in it when we throw the egg it is                       not going to break because the ground its going to hit the plastic and the plastic its going to                     hit the cotton balls so the cotton balls its going to touch the egg and it wont break it because                   the cotton balls are soft.

                  I stuffed a long sock with stuffing from a teddy bear. I then placed the egg into the sock and                   added more stuffing. I then tied both ends of the sock with balloons to keep the egg/stuffing                   tight. Next, I cut the plastic jar in half.  I  then cushioned the bottom with stuffing and put                       the egg/sock in. I put more stuffing on top. Then I put tape on top to keep everything inside.                   Finally I added extra cushioning to the outside with teddy bear body parts and stuck them                       with tape.

Part C:
                  Data: mass without the egg
                    71.76 g.
                   score calculation
                  grade and number of points
                     278.70 points

  Part D:
                          Test number 1:HEIGHT :5 feet;  It did not break.
                          Test number 2:HEIGHT:7 feet; It did not break.
                          Final test: It did not break.

Part E:
               1. Explain your final design in 2-3 sentences  include materials.  
                    initial design was good so we did not change it because the egg did not brake.
                  All the materials that I used work really well.
               2. How was the design modified from your initial hypothesis to improve your results ?
                    I did not change it.
               3. What was the purpose of having multiple test drops of your structure ?
                     Because like a roller coaster the the higher you go, the stronger it feels on your body.                              Therefore we were testing the strength of the egg.
               4. Explain why your structure did or did not make the egg break.
                    My egg did not break because I put a lot of stuffing in it and the extra stuff that I put on the                     plastic jar helped because the ground did not hit the plastic jar, it hit the teddy bear body                         parts .
              5.If you could change your design in any way, what would you have done differently?
                    The only thing that I would change is that the color of the sock would be white and I                               would  paint the egg so if it would break, I don't have to open the whole thing to see if the                     egg broke.